ASARAM BAPU born in 17 April 1941 in Berani Village, Sindha Pranta,
India. His real name was Asuram Sirumlani. He is popular and famous with
the name “ASARAM BAPU”. He is world famous spiritual leader. Asaram
Bapu has day no 8 and life no 8. People born with day number 8 and life
number 8 have very struggle and tedious life as noted by numerology.
Because numerology tells that number 8 is ruled by Saturn and being
twice ruled by Saturn, numerology of 8 and 8 is most unlucky.
ASARAM previous name was ASARAM SIRUMLANI =43=7 which lead him towards spiritualism because those people whose name number adds to 7 are lead by Ketu and Ketu brings such person in path of religious work. Here Ketu provided him art of speech on any religious topic. Also, ketu make a man love alcohol and ASARAM biography tells previously, he had alcohol business. Similarly, the famous name ASARAM(12) BAPU(17)=29=2 name numerology accounts 29; leading to 2. Name numerology counts only the famous name. Hence ASARAM BAPU name is considered here. Name numer 29 is not considered good in name numerology. Number 2 and number 9 are inimical(enemy) and these both number fight with each other and prevents the actual progress of a man. An incorrect name gives childhood poverty, early loss of parents, misfortunes, and diseases. It makes him meet with road, train, and air crash accidents. His latter life is filled with miseries and sorrows, and severe downfalls. Loss by fire, theft, and suicides afflicts him. Though he is religious guru, he seems criminal by nature and he has no good and peaceful family environment also. He is always addicted with opposite sex. He is always surrounded by enemy and frequently fall under debate due to weak birth numerology and name number. Numerology also tells that certainly he will have to go jail.
ASARAM previous name was ASARAM SIRUMLANI =43=7 which lead him towards spiritualism because those people whose name number adds to 7 are lead by Ketu and Ketu brings such person in path of religious work. Here Ketu provided him art of speech on any religious topic. Also, ketu make a man love alcohol and ASARAM biography tells previously, he had alcohol business. Similarly, the famous name ASARAM(12) BAPU(17)=29=2 name numerology accounts 29; leading to 2. Name numerology counts only the famous name. Hence ASARAM BAPU name is considered here. Name numer 29 is not considered good in name numerology. Number 2 and number 9 are inimical(enemy) and these both number fight with each other and prevents the actual progress of a man. An incorrect name gives childhood poverty, early loss of parents, misfortunes, and diseases. It makes him meet with road, train, and air crash accidents. His latter life is filled with miseries and sorrows, and severe downfalls. Loss by fire, theft, and suicides afflicts him. Though he is religious guru, he seems criminal by nature and he has no good and peaceful family environment also. He is always addicted with opposite sex. He is always surrounded by enemy and frequently fall under debate due to weak birth numerology and name number. Numerology also tells that certainly he will have to go jail.
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